Differential Equations Texts

The undergraduate differential equations text Introduction to Differential Equations with Dynamical Systems by Stephen L. Campbell and Richard R. Haberman was published by Princeton University Press in May of 2008.
Princeton University Press Page

An earlier text An introduction to Diffrential Equations and Their Applications, was published by (Longman, 1986 First Edition) and (Wadsworth, 1990 Second Ediiton). This book is now out of print.

Introduction to Differential Equations with Boundary Value Problems by Stephen L. Campbell & Richard Haberman, Houghton-Mifflin Company, 1986, ISBN 0-395-70828-1 has gone out of print.

There is an accompanying solutions manual, Solutions Manual to accompany Introduction to Differential Equations with Boundary Value Problems, 1986, ISBN: 0-395-74632-9.